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منتدى أحلى عـــالم
اهلا ومرحبا بك نرجوا منك التسجيل في منتدانا ....
منتدى أحلى عـــالم
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منتدى أحلى عـــالم

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 صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية ....

اذهب الى الأسفل 
كاتب الموضوعرسالة

عدد المساهمات : 179
تاريخ التسجيل : 16/06/2010
العمر : 26
الموقع : www.montda.ahladalil.com

صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Empty
مُساهمةموضوع: صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية ....   صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... I_icon_minitime10th أغسطس 2010, 22:44

اخليكم مع صور احدث لابتوبات مستقبليه:

laptop designs, some of which have won achievement awards while the rest are just too cool to know about.
1. Canova Dual Screen Laptop
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Canova-dual-screen-laptopCanova Dual Screen Laptop possesses two screens, a multi sensitive touch screen and is very easy to use. Not only can it be used to handle your daily computing tasks but it also lets you read articles on your laptop in the old-school newspaper fashion.
2. Vaio Zoom
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Vaio-zoom The Vaio Zoom notebook takes everything we know about holographic technology and squeezes it inside a thin glass form factor. When off, the screen is completely transparent and the keyboard goes opaque. Turn it on and the touchscreen holographic festivities begin. Even the mouse buttons are holographic!
3. DesCom
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... DescomSung-kyu Nam’s DesCom laptop integrates into the desktop surface. And what do you have to do once the laptop is dead or should be repaired?
4. MacTab
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Mactab
Being portable, MacTab is the complement to MyBook in the high-end. The thin wireless keyboard is used as a protection cover for transportation. On the back of the computer a hinge allows it to be put in a vertical position so you can use it on your desk.
5. LG Ecological Laptop Concept
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Eco-laptop
LG introduced e-Book, an ecological laptop concept that uses fuel cell batteries and features organic light-emitting diode (OLED) display technology. This concept notebook received a Red Dot Award nomination for “Best Concept Design”.
6. Compenion Laptop Concept
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Compenion-laptopFelix Schmidberger’s Compenion laptop has a OLED touch screen. The computer itself has an OLED touchscreen, where you can directly work on, much like with a umpc or pda.
The whole screen is a slider, as it can be moved forward to reveal a second OLED touchscreen underneath, where you can have a keyboard or working controls, similar to a setup with 2 monitors.
7. Samsung Amoled Concept
AMOLED concept notebook by Samsung features a unique design which is thin and sleek and a touch-sensitive keyboard which lacks tactile feedback.
8. Satellite Navigation Laptop
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Traveller-laptopSatellite Navigation Laptop is Nikita Golovlev’s concept for travelers. Using an e-ink display, the ‘Traveller’ is a GPS enabled navigation system for pedestrians. The design incorporates an internal drive for storing any photos you take along the way and will tag the with GPS data, so you know just where you took them.
9. Canvas Laptop Concept
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Canvas-laptopCanvas is a futuristic concept laptop that is supposed to provide a better quality for the designer and also its said that it will raise the productive rate of the artist. It will feature a very thin touchscreen and the other components will look just about the same but they will be better adjusted.
10. Macbook 0801
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Macbook-8081
MacBook 0801 is a laptop concept by Isamu Sanada. The keyboard is transparent and ultra-thin.

and a #11 ^_^

11. Music Stand Laptop
Music Stand Laptop
Use the pedal to turn digital sheet music or just touch the screen. It also throws in some computer functions by allowing on the fly scoring, note taking, and collaborative writing. When you need a real computer, a keyboard slides out from underneath the screen and use the foot pedal as a stereo to enjoy the music you just played. Designed by Sungho Lee.
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Music-laptop
صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Music-stand-laptop

م.ن.ق.و.و.و.ل صور احدث اللابتوبات المستقبلية .... Icon_flower
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